Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Project 5:Self Portrait

My self portrait shows a little bit of everything-- all of my hobbies, my music... Everything.

Project 4: 70's Collage

The goal of this project: Show the best of the nineteen-seventies in one image. I think mine turned out pretty well -- with album art with some of the best bands, a VW Bus, and a big peace sign, right in the middle.

Project 3: Music

The goal of this assignment was to create anything you'd like -- as long as music was involved. Being a member of band, music has been a part of my life — for my entire life.
It was another great project.

Project 2: Lamp

The lamp drawing is the first project we do during e-design. You are instructed to open Photoshop for the first time, and just start drawing the lamp that is on your desk, without any prior instruction of Photoshop. I think this is a great way to get your "creative juices" flowing... The results are limitless.